Our News

Ignatius feast and Farewell to Mrs Nola D'Lima

July 28, 2023

The Ignatian fortnight activity commenced on July 18 with active participation from both staff and students at St. Joseph's Indian High School. The school premises were adorned with vibrant posters portraying the life of St. Ignatius and providing valuable information on Jesuits. These displays ignited the curiosity of the students, who eagerly prepared themselves for the upcoming novena and quiz.
On July 28, the student-level celebration took place, graced by the esteemed chief guest, Mrs. Nola D'Lima. Her empowering message left a lasting impact on everyone present, inspiring the students to embrace their potential and contribute positively to society. The occasion was also an opportunity to bid farewell to Mrs. Nola D'Lima on her superannuation, expressing gratitude for her dedicated service to the institution.
The Ignatian fortnight activity fostered a sense of reverence and enthusiasm among the students, encouraging them to embody the values exemplified by St. Ignatius and the Jesuits.